Saturday 22 July 2017

Energy Efficiency Of Photosynthesis

Energy Efficiency Of Photosynthesis

The energy efficiency of photosynthesis is the ratio of the energy stored to the energy of light absorbed. The chemical energy stored is the difference between that contained in gaseous oxygen and organic compound products and the energy of water, carbon dioxide, and other reactants. The amount of energy stored can only be estimated because many products are formed, and these vary with the plant species and environmental conditions. If the equation for glucose formation given earlier is used to approximate the actual storage process, the production of one mole (i.e., 6.02 × 1023 molecules; abbreviated N) of oxygen and one-sixth mole of glucose results in the storage of about 117 kilocalories (kcal) of chemical energy. This amount must then be compared with the energy of light absorbed to produce one mole of oxygen in order to calculate the efficiency of photosynthesis.
Light can be described as a wave of particles known as photons; these are units of energy, or light quanta. The quantity N photons is called an einstein. The energy of light varies inversely with the length of the photon waves; that is, the shorter the wavelength, the greater the energy content. The energy (e) of a photon is given by the equation e = hc/λ, where c is the velocity of lighth is Planck’s constant, and λ is the light wavelength. The energy (E) of an einstein is E = Ne = Nhc/λ = 28,600/λ, when E is in kilocalories and λ is given in nanometres (nm; 1 nm = 10−9 metres). An einstein of red light with a wavelength of 680 nm has an energy of about 42 kcal. Blue light has a shorter wavelength and therefore more energy than red light. Regardless of whether the light is blue or red, however, the same number of einsteins are required for photosynthesis per mole of oxygen formed. The part of the solar spectrum used by plants has an estimated mean wavelength of 570 nm; therefore, the energy of light used during photosynthesis is approximately 28,600/570, or 50 kcal per einstein.

The actual percentage of
 solar energy stored by plants is much less than the maximum energy efficiency of photosynthesis. An agricultural crop in which the biomass (total dry weight) stores as much as 1 percent of total solar energy received on an annual areawide basis is exceptional, although a few cases of higher yields (perhaps as much as 3.5 percent in sugarcane) have been reported. There are several reasons for this difference between the predicted maximum efficiency of photosynthesis and the actual energy stored in biomass. First, more than half of the incident sunlight is composed of wavelengths too long to be absorbed, and some of the remainder is reflected or lost to the leaves. Consequently, plants can at best absorb only about 34 percent of the incident sunlight. Second, plants must carry out a variety of physiological processes in such nonphotosynthetic tissues as roots and stems; these processes, as well as cellular respiration in all parts of the plant, use up stored energy. Third, rates of photosynthesis in bright sunlight sometimes exceed the needs of the plants, resulting in the formation of excess sugars and starch. When this happens, the regulatory mechanisms of the plant slow down the process of photosynthesis, allowing more absorbed sunlight to go unused. Fourth, in many plants, energy is wasted by the process of photorespiration. Finally, the growing season may last only a few months of the year; sunlight received during other seasons is not used. Furthermore, it should be noted that if only agricultural products (e.g., seeds, fruits, and tubers, rather than total biomass) are considered as the end product of the energy-conversion process of photosynthesis, the efficiency falls even further.In order to compute the amount of light energy involved in photosynthesis, one other value is needed: the number of einsteins absorbed per mole of oxygenevolved. This is called the quantum requirement. The minimum quantumrequirement for photosynthesis under optimal conditions is about nine. Thus, the energy used is 9 × 50, or 450 kcal per mole of oxygen evolved. Therefore, the estimated maximum energy efficiency of photosynthesis is the energy stored per mole of oxygen evolved, 117 kcal, divided by 450—that is, 117/450, or 26 percent.

Chloroplasts, The Photosynthetic Units Of Green Plants

The process of plant photosynthesis takes place entirely within the chloroplasts. Detailed studies of the role of these organelles date from the work of British biochemist Robert Hill. About 1940 Hill discovered that green particles obtained from broken cells could produce oxygen from water in the presence of light and a chemical compound, such as ferric oxalate, able to serve as an electron acceptor. This process is known as the Hill reaction. During the 1950s Daniel Arnon and other American biochemists prepared plant cell fragments in which not only the Hill reaction but also the synthesis of the energy-storage compound ATP occurred. In addition, the coenzyme NADP was used as the final acceptor of electrons, replacing the nonphysiological electron acceptors used by Hill. His procedures were refined further so that small individual pieces of isolated chloroplast membranes, or lamellae, could perform the Hill reaction. These small pieces of lamellae were then fragmented into pieces so small that they performed only the light reactions of the photosynthetic process. It is now possible also to isolate the entire chloroplast so that it can carry out the complete process of photosynthesis, from light absorption, oxygen formation, and the reduction of carbon dioxide to the formation of glucose and other products.

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